Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Prom and Pride!

This year, after some convincing on my part, Aaron and I decided to go to the annual adult prom that was held at the Orpheum. We had a blast, and saw almost everyone we knew in town. It's a time where you can dress up in ANYTHING you want, and dance to those cool 80's and 90's songs that were ever so popular at prom, mixed in with the oldies classics. Although, the night was a bit of a blur, because prior to that Aaron and I played disc on the mountain, went to a going away party, went to a Poker tournament... and each of these events alcohol may have been present. The following weekend we went to Pride in the Pines. Nicole basically makes us go to show support, although we would go anyway. I saw a lot of my students there, one of which ran up to me and said, "MS. CLARK!!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE GAY!?!?" Then followed quickly by... "Wait, don't you have a husband?" Needless to say, it is a bit funny to watch Aaron get hit on by men. I guess if he were gay, he would be considered a "bear". A bear by definition: A male homosexual who shows no outward appearance of gayness, instead, seeps masculinity. Learn something everyday!

Grand Canyon Crew, minus Joe (Rachel aka Swaziland, Shey aka Fruit 'n Nuts, Cyndy)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Chicken Marinade

Okay, so I found this online, but I tweeked it! I had a Passion Party for a consultant of mine, and it was at my house, so Aaron had to be kicked out. He went over to Nicole and Michelle's house to BBQ. He wanted me to pull some chicken out of the freezer, which I also marinated for him. It's garlicy, and we were expecting leftovers, but needless to say he didn't come back with any. Everyone ate it all, and it was demanded from Nicole that I make this next time we go camping. I haven't even tried it yet...

Juice of 2 lemons
1/2 cup soy sauce
5 garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 cup white wine
3 sprigs of rosemary
1 tsp Kosher salt
1 tsp ground pepper
2-3 Tablespoons of Thai Chili Garlic Sauce (the more you add, the hotter!)

Marinate in chicken for 2-5 hours. Grill, eat, enjoy!